Saturday, June 7, 2008

Getting Rid of Vaginal Odor So You Can Enjoy Intimacy Again

As women we tend to share almost every detail of our lives with our close friends. We seem to be comfortable talking about our martial woes, the struggles we have with our weight and even issues that may pop up with our children. There is one area of our lives that we are often hesitant to confide in anyone about. Intimacy and vaginal odor is an embarrassing topic that we aren't likely to talk about with anyone. If you are a woman who is working at getting rid of vaginal odor so you can enjoy intimate time with the man in your life you may wonder what the best approach to accomplish that is. There are a few things you can try that may help you regain your freshness and self confidence.

If you know beforehand that you are going to be indulging in lovemaking you'll want to ensure that you are as clean as you can be. One of the most important things to remember about getting rid of vaginal odor is that you need to wash yourself regularly with a gentle soap. Clean the entire area carefully and try and do it as close to the time you anticipate making love as you can. If you are having dinner out first, shower before that and rest assured that just being clean will help diminish the strength of the odor.

Many women have found some solace in using feminine deodorant products. Typically these are sold in a spray form and are effective at getting rid of vaginal odor short term. After cleansing yourself you can use one of these sprays. It's important to ensure that you don't have a negative reaction to it though. It's a good idea to try it out on a day when you aren't planning on being intimate with anyone. This way if you do develop any irritation or rash it will have time to calm down and heal before you are intimate.

Panty liners are truly great inventions and are something of a must for women who are focused on getting rid of vaginal odor. The liners are designed to help absorb any excess moisture which can really help with diminishing the odor. If you have a very strong odor, try and change the liner frequently to help control the smell. Bear in mind that some of the scent will remain on your body so consider that before making love.

A very common concern for women who do have strong vaginal odor is the increased intensity of the smell after intercourse. If you are worried about this is may be worthwhile to make a quick trip to the washroom as soon as possible after love making. This will enable you to clean the area which should help to deter the stronger scent.

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"your boy is very good,"

Lonagan's weblog

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